
Saturday, December 11, 2010

European Cloudsat Conference Paderborn 27. - 29.9.2010

What a pleasure: Students and teachers from Estonia, France an Germany met in Paderborn to discuss their work with Cloudsat amd to get acqainted . The great honour : Matt Rogers, the Coordinator of the Cloudsat Education Network from the Colorado State University came to show us some experiments and talk to us about new developements with Cloudsat.
Our weather group enjoyed his help very much, so did the other groups.

We had three days of fun an interest. Here we show some pictures.

Our Climate Trail

Our group has developed a Climate Trail leading through our school and crossing our parc . The goal is our Phenological Garden , where we show the plants and the plant observations, the cloud forms and old weather measurments. Later on we hope to install a water observing station.

Klimawoche Bielefeld

In the first week of October we have been in Bielefeld, a city not very far from Paderborn to make an exhibition of our work and our aims together with other schools from Bielefeld and the neighbour towns. All the students were occupied with questions of climate change. To see the different exhibitions was most interesting and animating .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello , we are Henry and Rima from Paderborn.

Today, it is a very cold and snowy day .

We have got twenty centimeters of snow.

The trees and all the floor are covered with snow.

Children play with snow and make a snowball fight.

But there is still a big slippery surface.

Nevertheless we really like this fantastic weather.

How is your weather? Do you also like the snowy weather, too?

Best Regards Henry and Rima :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

snow, snow, snow

Hello !

We are Pia, Sandra and Isabel from Paderborn. On friday was the first snow in germany.Now it snows almost everyday. We have 3 cm snow ;) .Many children make a snow ball battle. Probably will in the next days more snow fall. We hope for white Christmas :) . How much snow has fallen in your country ???

See you !!! xD