
Saturday, December 11, 2010

European Cloudsat Conference Paderborn 27. - 29.9.2010

What a pleasure: Students and teachers from Estonia, France an Germany met in Paderborn to discuss their work with Cloudsat amd to get acqainted . The great honour : Matt Rogers, the Coordinator of the Cloudsat Education Network from the Colorado State University came to show us some experiments and talk to us about new developements with Cloudsat.
Our weather group enjoyed his help very much, so did the other groups.

We had three days of fun an interest. Here we show some pictures.

Our Climate Trail

Our group has developed a Climate Trail leading through our school and crossing our parc . The goal is our Phenological Garden , where we show the plants and the plant observations, the cloud forms and old weather measurments. Later on we hope to install a water observing station.

Klimawoche Bielefeld

In the first week of October we have been in Bielefeld, a city not very far from Paderborn to make an exhibition of our work and our aims together with other schools from Bielefeld and the neighbour towns. All the students were occupied with questions of climate change. To see the different exhibitions was most interesting and animating .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello , we are Henry and Rima from Paderborn.

Today, it is a very cold and snowy day .

We have got twenty centimeters of snow.

The trees and all the floor are covered with snow.

Children play with snow and make a snowball fight.

But there is still a big slippery surface.

Nevertheless we really like this fantastic weather.

How is your weather? Do you also like the snowy weather, too?

Best Regards Henry and Rima :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

snow, snow, snow

Hello !

We are Pia, Sandra and Isabel from Paderborn. On friday was the first snow in germany.Now it snows almost everyday. We have 3 cm snow ;) .Many children make a snow ball battle. Probably will in the next days more snow fall. We hope for white Christmas :) . How much snow has fallen in your country ???

See you !!! xD

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hi, everybody here are Yü Yang and Benedikt!

Well today it became so cold! Only 5°. We need to wear gloves and scarfs...

It doesn't rain but the sky is very cloudy. But now there are less clouds than in the morning.

Today we're preparing the Open day of our school. We have to do a lot of things and it takes a lot of time. But now we're finally finished and we're waiting for the guests!
Greetings from Germany

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hello here we are again: David, Benedikt and Yü Yang. In the morning there weren't any clouds in the sky and the sun was shining. But now there are many clouds and you only can see a little bit of the sun on the horizont. It's very cold, about 3-5°C now.
<---- That's the actually picture of the Teutoburger Wald (it's near Paderborn). How is the weather in yours? Greetings David, Benedikt und Yü Yang.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello, here we are again.

Hello, here we are again. We are Marvin, Benedikt and David. Here in Paderborn it's very cloudy and it rains. It's 15,1 °C . In the morning it was mutch colder, 11°C. See you later ....

Hello, here we are agaib

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hi, here we are again.
David, Yu Yang and Benedikt from the GSN .
Today it was a very cloudy day and in the morning it was very very VERY foggy! We couldn't see the cars in the streets! It's 14,4 °C and pretty cool, like in fall.
We'll watch to the weather in the next week. See you!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summerday in Paderborn

Hello, I'm Rima.
I'm new in this club.
Today It's a very sunny day.
All kids are in the

No one is in the school or in an club!!
And now I only want a big big ice-cream cup.
Today It's 26°C!!!
Actually it's too hot to sit in a classroom an work

I think it's
Ok bye bye

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hi, we are Marvin and Benedikt and here we are again. Today is a very sunny day and it's very hot!!! It's 21,1°C. It's an ice - creamweather ☺. We can surf on the waterski-sea, can have lots of fun and can do other cool things in summer, but we have to do lots of homework by this hot day =(. Bye, bye, buy an big big big big big big ice-cream- cup.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

After the sun comes the rain

After many nice Summerdays comes a bad Raintime... Everyone is sad because of that raintime. First it was so hot so we can go swimming outside and wear short clothes. But this morning when we look outside and it rains and rains and rains. It rains during the school, during The evening. It rains all day long and everyone need an umbrella. We do all hope that the Weather will be better soon.
Henry and Isabel

After the sun comes the rain

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Glacier in fire

In Iceland the Eyafjallajökull has an intense eruption. We show some pictures. Today most of our airplanes can`t start because the vulcano send a huge cloud to Europe.
The pictures are taken from the Bild-online , the website of a German newspaper.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello,here we are again.
Sorry,that we aren't here for a long time but our teacher had a broken foot.
Well,our weather is very nice. Sometimes it's sunny,but it rains too.And the wind blows weak.There are many clouds in the sky but we like it.It's 9,6°C in Paderborn.And here we showing you a picture of Paderborn.
Hello,here we are again!
Sorry,that we haven't been here for a long time because ,our teacher had a broken leg.
Well our weather is very nice.Sometimes it's sunny,but it rains too.And that's o.k.
The wind blows weakly and there are many clounds in the sky.We have 9,6 °C.
And we are very happy,when the sun shines.Here is a picture of the weather in Paderborn.
Tomorrow it's the last day for the students from 13th class.It's always so funny,because they organize a crazy party every year.And we have a big fun!
O.k. that's everything what we would to tell you for today.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Storm Starts Springtime in Western Europe

February was finished in Germany with a low pressure deep and storm speed with a top of
210 km/h. In germany 59 people died, trees fell down, cars were thrown into rivers or destroyed by falling trees. The storm was called Xynthia and crossed Western Europe from the German coast till Spain, where the winds showed still an enormous force.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter in Paderborn

The winter is rich of snow and very cold this year.We have snow for more than six weeks now. People had to get good friends with the weather ater some time. The temperature differs from 1 ° C plus to 20 °C -
Our house in Paderborn in this winter.

A satellite photo made by ESA showing parts of Europe in the grip of wintertime.